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Banded Mug Club Membership
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I certify that I am at least 21 years of age, and understand that my membership is contingent on this fact.
Banded Mug Club Membership
Product Details
Membership valid from 12/6/24 until 2025 Anniversary Party.
Membership Perks:
- Personalized 24oz Glass Mug - stored and displayed in the taproom, and yours to keep at the conclusion of the yearly membership.
- Tier One Beers: $6 (Milltown, Pilsner, Wicked Bueno)
Other Beers: $7
- 15% discount on packaged beer, merch, and apparel in the taproom.
- Mug Club only priority invites and events.
- Optional: Exclusive Mug Club T-shirt for $10.
Other fine print:
Memberships are valid through December 2025. Draft beer discounts are only applied to mug pours and mugs may only be used by active members. Please note that beers over 8% ABV and some specialty beers may have a smaller pour volume. Parties are exclusive to mug club members only (no +1’s). Memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. Banded reserves the right to revoke membership in the (we hope in the very unlikely event) anyone who violates these or other taproom policies.
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